9 September 2021

Barcelona (Spain): Provisional Reception of Sant Adrià de Besòs plant SCR

LAB is pleased to have, through a consortium with its partner IMASA (Unión Temporal de Empresas IMASA INGENIERÍA Y PROYECTOS, S.A. / LAB, S.A. (UTE SCR BESOS)), successfully implemented and delivered a new selective catalytic reduction system (SCR) with a heat recovery system, refurbished gas scrubbing electrical panels, and supplied filter bags at the exisiting Sant Adrià de Besòs Energy waste incineration recovery plant operated by TERSA.

Thanks to those improvements, the 3x15t/h – 3x95 000Nm3/h plant can achieve NOx removal efficiencies between 80 % and 95 %.

We would like to thank our Clients, partners and employees for the common success and reference.

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