28 novembre 2022

Stadtreinigung Hamburg contract

LAB is pleased to have been selected by Stadtreinigung Hamburg to be part of execution of the new Zentrum für Ressourcen und Energie (ZRE), Hamburg Stellinger Moor. The scope of supply comprises engineering, manufacturing, delivery, installation and commissioning of 2 Flue Gas Treatment units.

The waste incineration plant consists of 2 lines of 47 MWth and 73 MWth and a high-efficient flue gas cleaning process designed to ensure compliance with low emission limits. A BICARLABTM dry system is followed by a SCR DeNOx system, completed by a SECOLABTM and a final heat recovery step plus all peripheral systems including E&IC and DCS.

This success is completed by MARTIN GmbH, the new owner of LAB since February 2022, with the supply of 2 combustion systems and boilers to ZRE.

With this new order, LAB will further expand its network in Northern Germany beyond the on-going contracts like 3 Flue Gas Condensation units in MVB Borsigstraße and the FGT of EEW MHKW Stapelfeld.

LAB wants to give its special thanks to Stadtreinigung Hamburg ZRE and the consultant EnviCon for their trust and looks forward to a successful cooperation.

For further information on LAB´s Flue Gas Treatment and Condensation technologies as well as CCU/CCS solutions please feel free to contact Frank Spöhrer or Frank Oppolzer.

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